Bolognese hunting dog relative to the bichon Frise and Havanese

dogBolognese  ( Bichon Bolognese)

These dogs are stocky compact, white and fluffy, like the Bichon Frise. They are a healthy breed with no major medical issues and in fact are related to the bichon Frise and the Havanese dog breeds.

Unlike the bichon frise relative, the bichon Bolognese are VERY serious in nature but low energy, docile dogs. This means that they can also initially be more shy with strangers.

They are known to be outgoing (when they feel protected), playful and happy dogs. This will of course depend on how well they are socialised when they are small and how regularly they are walked off lead and allowed to play with other dogs.

While potentially a great family dog, poor training skills of the general public suggests that this dog will do better in an environment without very young children.

Bichon Bolognese size: 25 – 30 cm tall and 2.5kg to 4 kg weight.

Bichon Bolognese grooming: While the coat is not complex, it needs to have daily brushings to avoid tangles.

The key tings to success with these low shedding dogs is daily extended off lead walks, and discipline. They can do OK in small apartments as long as they get regularly off lead social times with other dogs.

Without proper socialization and training, their docile temperament and heavy owner devotion can turn into barks and howls.